The number of basic facts that you have gotten absolutely wrong is... amazing. I am absolutely blown away that you have taken a few perfectly acceptable opinions ("TypeScript isn't a good tool", "strongly typed languages are less efficient and less elegant", and so on) and made them look completely wrong with your incredibly incorrect facts and analysis. You understand virtually nothing about the history of TypeScript, the history of programming in general, the arguments for type safety and strongly typed languages, the arguments specifically in favor of TypeScript, or even the arguments *against* TypeScript!
I personally don't care either way; I have written less than 1,000 lines of JavaScript in the last 10 years and I have never written a line of TypeScript in my life. I am not some super TypeScript fan.
But this post is an absolute trainwreck. As soon as you claimed that JavaScript was an untyped language (which is provably *isn't* otherwise it wouldn't have "typeof" as a function...), I knew this would be a wild roller coaster ride of factual errors, and it did *not* disappoint.