Sure, that’s a fair point (and 100% dead on about lithium, and it’s why I kind of wonder if people really understand what they ask for when they push electric vehicles). But this is kind of like saying “I didn’t know cigarettes cause cancer! Big Tobacco lied to me!” in 1997 or something. There’s a point where, yes, there was some lies and plenty of bad science. But we’ve known the truth for… 30? years now? Around that? Even before we knew about climate change, we knew that the emissions from burning stuff was releasing a zillion chemicals in the air for much longer than that. We knew there were all sorts of problems and to the best of my knowledge, this was well-known long before climate change came up, and then fell into a 30+ year tussle over science.
As consumers, we simply cannot close our eyes and push the responsibility for our decisions onto others any longer, and we lost that luxury decades ago.