I have yet to be in an environment where the "Agile Coaches" added any value, or where the official adoption of "Agile" added any value. Bottom line for me, is that in environments/orgs where an outsider, or specific hire, has to come in and say "this is how we act in an Agile fashion", the org doesn't have the right people to begin with, the problems start at the very top and permeate through the entire organization, and the "Agile Coaches" are not JUST a fig leaf to pretend "we're Agile now!" (just like the Six Sigma coaches of yesteryear let them pretend "we're doing continuous improvement!"), but they actually allow the org to ignore the real problems and just shift the blame to the Agile Coaches. It doesn't help that most "Agile Coaches" teach not just "this isn't real Agile" but this total glop of rites and rituals and endless meetings and piles of formal process that's the exact *opposite* of "real Agile" that harms the organization, and the organization embraces it because it has the familiarity and comfort of the do-nothing culture that they've always had.