I could not disagree more. I absolutely LOATHE the gestures - ALL OF THEM - on my AirPod Pros and another pair of wireless earbuds that I have.
Because the only time I wear them is under a motorcycle helmet, and the gesture controls go berserk when I put on or take off the helmet, or sometimes just because I'm turning my head in the helmet, or whatever.
Even worse, whenever you adjust the AirPods... which needs to be CONSTANTLY if you are actually talking on them, because the motion of your jaw loosens them in your ear so they need to get re-seated all the time... there's a really good chance that you'll accidentally trigger a gesture and mess with the volume or even hang up on someone.
I desperately wish there was a way to turn them into "dumb headphones" that didn't have any gestures, taps, etc. at all.
This is why the only time I can actually use my AirPod Pros is under a helmet, I *wanted* them to replace other headsets in my life, but because they are so wonky, they just CAN'T. A $70 Jabra headset "gets" how to behave, requiring an actually button, with resistance and a "click", to be depressed before doing anything, rather than merely touching, tapping, or brushing a finger against it.