Here's a question that keeps bothering me:
* The writers and actors aren't making money
* The studios and streamers seem to be losing money hand over fist
* Shows and movies cost a multiple of what they used to, and that multiple is far more than inflation says it should be
... where is the money going? WHO is making money? It's got to be SOMEONE with all of the cash being spent. Like... it isn't all going to catering and the folks in costumes.
Terminator 2 was made about 30 years ago for around $200m, easily the most expensive movie ever at the time... and it was filled literally every minute with both some of the best live action stunts to ever hit the screen, and cutting edge CGI that had never been seen before on such a scale, that holds up 30 years later and looks great. Economics of scale, technological progress, etc. tell me that T2 (or something like it) should be able to get made today for a lot less than $200m, even accounting for inflation, and instead we see the typical mainstream action film coming in at $200m, $300m, or more as a matter of course and no one bats an eye.
So where in the world is the money going and who is profiting here?