Exactly right on all points! I knew from other stuff this was Musk. Like a while back he was talking about the Tesla factories, wanting to make the robots move so fast they were a blur, like... dude, that is a 1,000 lb. robotic arm, picking up a 100 lbs. car door, moving it a total of 15 feet, and then precisely positioning it in place to be attached to the car. What would you need to do to the robot arm to accelerate this mass to 200, 300 miles per hour and then bring to a full stop, all within 15 feet? Do you really think the speed of the robot arm is the bottleneck in production speed?
And then he brings this thinking to code writing?
When Musk "wins" in "fixing" a process is by being the Big Boss who can cut through the red tape and say "this is obviously wrong, do what is obviously right". Sometimes he has x-ray vision and does what is ultimately right because he doesn't care about social norms (like it's very true Twitter needed to make cuts, maybe even deep ones, but few folks would make them as deeply and as quickly as he did). That's when he wins.
But so much of the time he is contrarian for the sake of being contrarian and all he is doing is making a mess and then using cash and stock to fix it.